

What World Autism Day means to me

What World Autism Day means to me

By Meisha Prouting (they/them) World Autism Acceptance day is a day that brings many mixed feelings for me as an Autistic adult. Pride towards my Autistic identity, dread towards the...

Celebrating World Down Syndrome Day

Celebrating World Down Syndrome Day

By Lily Mae Ivatt-Oakley World Down Syndrome Day (WDSD) is one of my favourite days of the year, along with my birthday and Christmas! I love to celebrate WDSD because...

Why Love on the Spectrum is a Must Watch

Why Love on the Spectrum is a Must Watch

By Amy Klootwyk  In late 2019, Netflix released the first season of Love on the spectrum. Only a few months later, our middle man, Micah, was officially diagnosed on the...

All Hail The Braille

All Hail The Braille

By Tim Harding It’s 14th October Humans! That means it’s World Sight Day, this is a great day for us here at EveryHuman. We have some exciting news, we have...

Why Disability Pride Month Matters

Why Disability Pride Month Matters

An essay by disabled woman Pieta Bouma. Hot on the tail of June's international LGBTQIA+ month with all its colour and glory follows July; Disability Pride month. Disability Pride month...

Men's Health Week 2020

Men's Health Week 2020

Every year, in the middle of June (15th-21st), the world pauses to celebrate Men’s Health Week. It’s a time dedicated to raising awareness of the key issues in men’s health...